【HOB Children Ministry Director Needed】

*Job description:
-20 – 40 hours a week
-Oversight of HOB children’s ministry
*Sunday children’s classes: scheduling, curriculum, oversight
*Volunteer recruitment and training
*Pastoral care for children
-Outreach in children ministry (VBS, etc..)
$25,000 – $50,000 per month (depending on hours/experience/training)
-Degree & training in children’s ministry/education
(seminary, Christian college, etc…)
-Background check: 2 references and Taichung police report
-Basic bilingual abilities (basic conversation); can recruit 1st language volunteer to oversee other language children ministry
-Experience in Christian children’s ministry or education
-contact Pastor Sean or Vic for questions
-after applications are submitted, you will be contacted for
a personal interview if being considered for the position
-Application link: https://forms.gle/ET2SJ8EvJdTWviW17