Connect Lunch 新朋友餐會

【 Connect Lunch 新朋友餐會 】
If you are new to HOB Church, please join us for our next CONNECT Lunch on 4/28 at 12:45 pm. We would love to bless you with lunch and introduce you to HOB Church. Meet the staff and hear about how you can CONNECT with others at HOB. If you plan to attend, please fill out the registration form below so that we can count the numbers.
如果您剛來到蒙福之家教會,歡迎您參加我們接下來 4/28 中午12點45分的新朋友餐會。我們想藉由與大家共享午餐,介紹您更認識我們的教會。我們將介紹您認識我們的職員,並提供您進一步與教會其他人建立連結的資訊