【Seeker Class 慕道課】

When Jesus came, he answered so many questions about life: what is the purpose of our life? How can we have true peace and joy in a world filled with fear, anxiety, and depression? In this group we will look in the Bible at people who met Jesus and how their life was changed. Come join us to learn more about who Jesus is and how to experience his great love for you.

當耶穌來到世上時,祂回答了很多關於生命的問題,諸如生命的目的是甚麼?我們如何能夠在這充滿著恐懼、焦慮與憂鬱的世界中,擁有真正的平安與喜樂? 在這個課程中,我們會閱讀聖經中那些與耶穌相遇之人的故事,並看看他們的生命是如何被改變的。歡迎加入我們,一起來更多地認識耶穌是誰,以及你可以如何去經歷祂對你無私的愛。
日期 Date|2024 /01/21
時間 Time| 11:00 am
地點 Location| HOB 2F Reading room 二樓 閱覽室
費用Cost | 免費 Free
報名連結Registration link | https://forms.gle/DyGqpTGP7jrM1X1R8