House of Blessing Bilingual Church
House of Blessing Bilingual Church
House of Blessing Bilingual Church
House of Blessing Bilingual Church is called to be a bilingual bridge that brings together both local and foreign people into a united body in Christ that desires for all to know the love of God as expressed in the Gospel and in the family of the church.
蒙福之家雙語教會的呼召是要成為一座橋樑,將本地人和外國人聚集 成為基督合一的身體,一同追求認識和愛上帝、彼此鼓勵、學習做門徒、參與事工並接受裝備,亦藉由傳福音與慈惠事工去接觸凡有需要者,包括居住在台中、台灣乃至全世界的人。