9/8 HOB Fall Festival


Hello HOB Church family! We are excited to announce the HOB Fall Festival this year on Sunday, September 8 from 3p-6p. We will give you more details when the Festival is closer, but we wanted to let you know so you can save the date now.

蒙福之家教會的家人們大家好!我們很高興要向大家宣布今年的蒙福秋季嘉年華將於 9 月 8 日(星期日)下午 3 點至 6 點舉行。當日期較接近時,我們會再提供更多詳細的訊息。但我們想讓大家先知道將有這樣的活動,以便您能將時間空出來參加。